Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "the guardian"
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Raquel Brune is a writer and communicator specialized in literature born in Madrid, although her family comes from a small town in Castilla y León. In 2019, she published her first trilogy: "Brujas y Nigromantes", which inaugurates an Urban Fantasy saga where witches, ghosts, and all kinds of paranormal beings roam the streets of the Spanish capital. Following its success, she released three more books aimed at young adults: "Los dones... - Read more

Laura Gallego has a place of honor among the authors of children and young adult literature of our country. A Doctor in Spanish Philology from the University of Valencia, she began to write at the tender age of 11. Finis Mundi , the first novel she published, won the Premio El Barco de Vapor , an award she would win again three years later with La leyenda del Rey Errante . In addition to some children’s tales, Laura Gallego has written... - Read more

Samar Yazbek is an author, journalist, and scriptwriter for movies and television. She currently resides in Paris, exiled from Syria after opposing the Bashaar Al-Ashad regime. In 2011, she was detained and prevented from leaving the country. One year later, she was awarded the prestigious PEN/Pinter Prize "International Writer of Courage" for her book A Women in the Crossfire. In 2013 she recieved the Oxfam Novib/PEN award, which recognizes... - Read more

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